Tuesday, 22 February 2011

More About Tunas Cemerlang...


To realize the full potential of children from Bait Al-Amin and to make sure that they will be able to reintegrate their community as healthy, happy, responsible and independent adults.


The purposes of this program are:
·         To nurture and cultivate love, good values, brotherhood and sisterhood among children, teens and elderly.
·         To cultivate positive moral and spiritual values, helping children to regain trust, self-control, faithful to God and to become a virtuous and discipline citizen.
·         Promote learning and the importance of education to the orphans and less fortunate children.
·         To assist these children in improving their study skills especially for those who cannot read.
·         To give a picture of future to the children, so that they will shape their future well.
·         To improve the students’ examination skills.
·         To give love and make them feel appreciated.


This program is to build better generations based on our country aspiration which is 1 Malaysia. The aims of all these programs are to reach out to these needy people, to develop a real sense of worth and a change for the betterment amongst children. We hope that by loving, caring, counseling, educating and training will help these children and teenagers to be useful adults someday, and directly being able to face challenges in life.


‘Transforming Lives’

We believe education is fundamental in socioeconomic development as we create, build and encourage educational programs for students of all ages. Our programs focus on sponsoring education; reading and other local needs. Besides, some programs are mould in accordance to inculcate skills that are vital in everyday life. Some highlights of our education programs are as follows:
  • Recruitment Drive TC
  • Trainers Breakthrough
  • MM Team Building
  • Mentor Mentee Program
  • Soul Discovery Camp
  • Orphans Exchange Program
  • Effective Communication Class
  • Computer Class
  • Educational Trip to SBPI or MRSM
  • Gardening
  • Field Trip to Cameron Highlands
These programs will benefit not only the participants but to all UTP students who volunteer as mentors. With their enthusiasm and determination, Tunas Cemerlang shall be a successful event and achieve its objectives.

Sunday, 20 February 2011


“Give A Man A Fish; You Have Fed Him For Today.  Teach A Man To Fish; And You Have Fed Him For A Lifetime”
Reflecting to the proverbs above, its can define as if you simply give food to a poor, needy man, it is the least you can do for him. He will not be hungry today; however, he will get hungry tomorrow again. If you teach a man to get food by himself or, in other words, to earn money to get food and other things he needs, it means a real, full-scale help to him for his lifetime.
Tunas Cemerlang is the program organizing by Student Representative Council (SRC), UniversitiTeknologiPetronas (UTP), in collaboration with the Federation of Women Entrepreneur Associations Malaysia. This programme helps orphans and less fortunate children, guided by the vision to give children at risk a childhood and future by protecting, guiding and healing them, as well as by building strong communities and loving families.
With collaboration and cooperation from UTP students to offer a community service to orphans from Bait Al-Amin, we aim to give them a first-class education, access to necessary health services and above all, the opportunity to grow up healthy and happy in a safe, caring, warm and familial environment. The home currently houses 40 children ranging from 7 to 17 years old.