Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Grand Dinner Tunas Cemerlang 2011/2012

Assalamualaikum and hello everyone!
Let us begin our journey this year with special millions and trillions of thanks to the Family of Tunas Cemerlang 2011. We had so much fun fun time togather all year and shared lots of sweet moments with the adik-adik. You laugh i laugh, you cry i wipe your tears, you tease me i tease you back. Remember? Hopefully those memories will stay forever in your heart mind and soul dear brothers and sisters... and just so you know we will never forgetchu ok~~ (acece tacing lettew)
Baiklah before somebody burst into tears let us see how we enjoy our Grand Dinner 2011/2012. The dinner was held on 2nd of March 2012 at Undercroft UTP. We had 40 adik-adik from Rumah Anak-anak Yatim dan Warga Miskin Bait Al-Amin came joined us that night. Because they want to say baibai to abang-abang dan kakak-kakak TC 2011 and hello haihai to abang-abang dan kakak-kakak TC 2012. (hehe jgn marahh)

Here are some of the captured moments we had together during the marvellous night:

they came so early despite the heavy rain that evening :)

Here comes the VIPs..

Welcoming our pretty pretty kak Wahidah from management UTP

"Jaga TC 2012 baik-baik tau." berkata Mr. PM 2011 kepada Miss PM 2012.

"panggg!" lebih kurang begitulah bunyinya maka terasmilah sudah Grand Dinner 2011/2012 by the Manager of Cyber Security.

"Aminnn.." ok lets go eat. ittew lapaq~

"Asal lauk ko nampak g sedap dow? nak cikitt.."

"wahh sedap niii..."

sedap kan? kan? kan?

lau lau lau lau.... aammmm..

while others are enjoying their meal together gether........

why is he eating all alone... haha lapor sangat lettew~~

"akak, saya nak nasi sikit jew sebab saya nak slim mcm kak jia n kak faieqah." : P

Thanks FNB for the foods. Good job! We love FNB!

"demi maataahari! bersinarnya di pagi hari...."

Thanks adik-adik for your great performance.. :')

Not forgetting, we were also touched by the performance from Committees of TC 2011 :)

Abam Hazwan why you like that? ~.~

they are super sporting!!! oh yeah!!!

"untunglaaa korg dapat bergambar...."

We are gonna miss you very much awesome people! :')

May the year 2012 brings Tunas Cemerlang to the greater journey ahead. People come and go but memories stay forever... peace (^.^)\/

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