Huhu it has been so long after previous post..sory guys blog dah nampak bersawang kann... :P
Ermm without wasting our precious time, now here we go, posting about our MM for this year 2012.
check it out..!!!
saya..saya..saya...!!!! |
eh kami pon nak laaaa...!!! |
saya pon..!!! |
" erm adek taknak angkat tangan ke macam kawan2 lain? " |
taknak bagi chance kat saya ke? merajuk laa macam nie.. :( |
"please sing louder adek-adek.." |
yeay saya dapat jawab jugak akhirnye.... timekasey kakak wen..!! =) |
hoorayyyy big claps from the floor! :D |
okey... those pictures for TC 2012 first MM ... it was fun and enjoyable yet still need hard work to make it funnier rite... we are creating the chances ! Btw, thank you everyone :)
and now since this is the " rojak posting" haha so we include also more exciting pictures of second MM ...!!!!
For our second MM a little bit more different from the first one..more relax yet really enjoyable moment i thought. Congrates facee department ..!! keep it up ;)
lagi |
ermmm ni pon fakus.... |
" Patotlaaa abang2 kakak2 facee kira laju jeee..aku pon boleh maen tekan2 macamni je " |
" Untung laaa ko ade kalkulator, aku kire manual je.. macam lagi power je! haha " |
" susah laaa soalan ni abang facee ! " |
" takde laaa kacang je..macam niee bla blaaaa.. " |
" Akak, saya rasa jawapan saya dah betol dah akak...." :D |
" Baek benor adek nie.." |
" Kite nak belajar buat kepal terbang ke abang facee? " :P |
" okey guys harini kite akan.... bla blaaaa " |
" Tinggi sangat laaa abang facee...mcmne nak tulis niii " |
" confirm betol laaa ni" |
" Soalan ni sape yang buat? salah nieeeee.. " |
" Oh salah kee?? aku yang buat " |
HAHA dah agak dah betol....naseb baek ~ ~ ~ . . . . . |
ape nie? WORD SEARCH laaaa :) |
memerlukan perbincangan seperti di atas |
facee pon xboleh search the word |
" kat mane word ni sembunyi akak? " |
Siap kena bukak kitab lama lagi >,< |
" Eh mane word ni tak jumpe2 dah sejam cari... " abang facee pon dah garu2 kepala.. :P |
" Eh is it for real susah macam tu sekali huh? " hahaaa...nope laaa.. pictures don't express everything lol
Adek adek sangat enjoy searching the words.. its a cool module for helping them widen their vocabulary :D
"mane ade susah pon... tengok kami awal2 lagi dah siap " :) |
"ingat korang je ke siap awal, kitorang pun.." |
Ermmm no komen la =) |
Rileks laaaa.. ENGLISH IS FUN !! (^_^) |
Just Nice :) |
erm nampak je Amir faham2 laaa :P tamat sudah second mentor mentee kita untuk harini.. | sampai setakat ini dahulu lah coretan saya buat kali ini...sehingga kita berjumpa lagi di waktu dan hari yang sama hanya di Tunas Cemerlang 2012 =)
adios amigos.
awesome blog ni. btw. tahniah family TC2012.
fulamak korg,padu.eish,cam nak tgk lak cik hajar ni tutor adek2 camne.curious sangat.
rindunye kat adik-adik. btw cool blog! hahaha. awesome la korang. keep it up! jg adik baik-baik ye. untung nye korang dapat jg mereka. ^^
ehem ehem nk tgk gak cik hajar aja adikadik. hehe ^^
ok thanks guys..
doakan lah yang terbaek untuk team tc12 and kejayaan adek2 :)
ok next time pnp fokus kat hajar laaa since paling banyak requests hahaaa..
Hajar je? erm.ak cmne weh? sdey ! hahaha
Nak request diri sendiri pon boleh anonymous hahaa..
sape admin ni sape? meh nk bgi penyekeh skit. hehe
Amboiii nak sekeh admin ye? memang xde gambar anonymous lah utk next post hahaaa ~~
kuang ajo punye admin.xpe2 =,=
admin baik lah.xbaek ckp mcmtu :P
just kidding lorh..gambar ko laa paling banyak nt haha :)
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